Saturday 11 September 2010

Nuts recorded - Psych 101

18.42 clock

I prefer sitting in the game for a minute. I say a little prayer, which goes something like: "God, why hast thou punish hate you so ...... Amen!
Sigh deep and painful sigh and hoist my ass tired of my car in the pits of hell that is our emergency.

This tends to have conquered the market psychotic, to promise a strong change. One that will ensure a day at my place in the ranks of chronicpsychotic.

06:45 Clock

I look forward to meet the vacuum double door, coffee in hand and a bad attitude from an accident and cry: "Hey, stop it .." I'm seeing a bit 'surprised by the tumbling Hun Attila and I crack a team of nurses and doctors all looking for him, and pointed to me and care less that it has decided to leave soon. As Hun flares from me, I wish him all the best, Pat hit him on his back and friendly, the button on the wall of silver, so that leaves him free, the same, he seemsready to die (kill) for. We surround the rear parking lot, where he designed into the units used with the promise of a hot meal, a cool buzz (Ativan), and a rapid entry into the ground in time for the game NBA playoff. All this love and attention because Wife wanted to go out and he was not crazy about the idea. It 'set for about $ 1,000 per night, spoiled and pampered pittied until it is ready to say that the regrets and would be a good boy. 72 hours after it was released with hugsare abundant. If the bill presented $ 5,200.00 exploded Admission Desk, shares a few curses, and praised the beleaguered writer, "never mind paying mutha *****!" Without doubt, as soon-to-be-ex-wife are going to end up in one of our local trauma centers funded, unloved and unconsciously.

07:04 Clock

They suck in my coffee warm, and now I think "All of this already "...." And I have not even started my turn YET.

I just sit on the report if Iaddressed quickly by a flood of angry, psychotic, confused patients, and families. 'Can water ?"... When the doctor came ?"....." The 200 milligrams of Demerol is not easy workin, I have another "?"...." hunerd My father has only a piece of shit in your garbage can and now is the red thermometer in his mouth and his blue ...." "Lady ... I will be with you for a while (ie I ***** drinking my coffee)
The relocation of all incoming look and feel like me.There are rigid in their distance. Want to be in his heart ... And a 45 gauge loaded only in its case, when a career change is near. The nurses are leaving bouncing and singing, as Oompa Loompa in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The joy over the end of another round ER is truly remarkable. Tend to be a bit 'nicer, a bit nurses' a bit better' than human, even if only briefly. But we have just arrived and do not give a damn 90%Fog entering our emergency room on a given day. All that matters is who dies and how we can help. The animal will have to wait.

07:11 Clock

establish just who are my patients because they are here and they are up to the entrance to the Eternal Care Unit. I dive into the Sickest and ensure everything is clinically stable, comfort is maintained, info is long gone, all the time offering a healthy dose of compassion and professionalism. Six because'M here and why I chose this profession. My other two patients are chronic alcoholics, many times, several attempts to dry them at the expense of taxpayers, multiple personalities. Nor can we see just pee straight or walk straight. Both the size of Rhode Island liver. You have jaundice appears bad as it is as if he spent his last drinking binge slurping Martin 's Vodka in a solarium. And finally get approved as a drug to the patient, because his bloodAlcohol exceeded numbers, similar to the sun's surface. He will continue to dry overnight and to sign against medical advice tomorrow .......... and drink again until noon.

07.28 Clock

Consider suicide.

07.31 Clock

I can not see any way to leave this bastion of humanity, to which answer a barrage of questions, first, the masses are even unwilling, given the waiting room. The intercom and in broken English, I felt, "Pinche Pendejo, I waitedfor 13 hours ............ Click .... "Mrs. Rosary, I'm sorry that your hearing is diminished, because I have done three pounds of wax in the ear canal that I have, but I am currently caring for a man who is near death ..... sorry for the delay. .. Please sit DOWN THE **** ........ and thank you for choosing our clinic for your all your needs for personal hygiene.

07.33 Clock

Consider fault.

09:12 Clock

A naked man running through the service station with little fanfare. We Usherhim again to apologize in a room and the parents of a girl visibly shaken in eight years. A girl who has no business being in an emergency department for adults first, but parents hid them so they could watch chair grandmother vomiting.

Clock 09.47

Cigarette break.

09.52 Clock

Catch the ears of anyone other patients unhappy, no one has fed, no one is angry because they fear an otherwise near-fatal dose of drugs Ativan pissed crack at the world for its habit of their hepatitisC and a lesbian relationship patched. It requires that their "husband" is immediately brought back, spitting, "You know you my wife!"

"Not in Texas is not"!

While marches back to his room to collect their belongings and leave, I have not heard the last of this incident. This is a "Methodist Hospital, you know. Hell, if it were a Catholic hospital, I get a pay rise and a sensitive e-mail link to online classes.

10.02 Clock

Smoke break

00:02 ClockAM

"I GODDAMIT expecting her BEAN ALMS 22 hours .... ..... Click Mr. Sanchez, I'm sorry that your bullet wound from the time of the Alamo hurts too, but there are currently" the expansion of our healing ministry of Christ retain "a mind morbidly obese manic-depressive who thinks the ghost of Liberace" sexually assault him in his sleep. Now please, ****- OFF !!!!"

We fight against Mr. Palmer course, the re-dress ... again .... assure him that Liberace pulled out and ran fasterShe hit the ground, then belt on a stretcher.

00.42 Clock

I am furious by then a family member complains about the smell emerged from the bed beside his wife faced. In easy to understand, does not explain medical terms that I was one of the many wonderful smells from the emergency room in any instruction given is the smell of rotting flesh. In this case, the rotten meat from the toe of a necrotic non-conforming, such as renal transplant patients a new life as a coupleBody parts, despite her heroin addiction. He held the insulin, the juice again and blew almost $ 4.1 million of other peoples money in the process. Accompany the man to the bed of his wife, assured his gall bladder That would not hurt so much if she would stop wearing T-shirts with logo Jack-in-the-box is (get 'em free with the purchase of a "number 3 with a double cheese") and change their diet to one with less fat.

01:30 Clock

Time to relax and eat dinnerChow little and look a bit 'of the Republican Party presidential candidates debate on a small TV in the living room nurses.

01:31 Clock

Smoke break

02:19 Clock

Fearing for the fate of my country, my life, my neighbor, my mind, I crawl in bed 5, press the call light and demand a pillow and a Xanax ..

04:10 Clock

There is light at the end of the tunnel, if I add 2 patients in record time. I have three beds empty and a woman "Karnes, a 22 year old Vicodin addicts who came to ourER because his "dough Doctor (fictional place here) to fill their passwords (narcotic analgesics or benzodiazepines include here) and now she is out of their medications. After convincing a performance worthy of an Oscar for the treatment of" 'em and Via Dr. ER em to write a total of three species rightly recipes, each of the three categories of drugs. Calls for another (enter "DDD Demerol" here), shot for the road swings and the nurse station to thank everyone for theirProfessionalism, patience and a comfortable feeling ..... , And especially their rock festival with three days to come Oober Buzz and benzo's. We congratulate and wish you a commanding performance overdose soon. It is recalled that their "red card" means that they must stop for admissions and pay the bill and should also call for a ride, why not allow them to drive in was intoxicated.

04.27 Clock

The Queen noted Vicodin away in his Escalade, fragments of red paper slip seenFlights from driver's side window.

05:40 Clock

"Ok, you Mutha # $% & A, RES was here 23 minutes and 15 seconds and then ..... ..... Uhh, Mr. Jones,
This is Mike, nurse, cares for you was ... Well, we remember when you are not to lay off 20 minutes. You have already seen Dr. ER and have your shot Dilaudid for your toothache, you were right after the Crusades !"............... Mr. Jones? .... ... Yeah ..... Okay .........." "You're welcomeMr. Jones ......"

.. "See you tomorrow."

06.47 Clock

After a few rounds of limbo calm day as the celebration of the crew is in every walk reluctantly look to the edge of the census, and visibly shaken when he realized fully. Of these two patients who had already seen the day before for the same non-urgent complaints. Do not fill their scripts, do not call their doctor for follow-up of your primary care DR and their "pain specialists" have been madeRestraining orders on them. All I know is that every time that may one day in every ER 24/hrs with the law on their side, a false accusation of false identity and the question we are stoned. And we do. By law, we must. You get paid no money or idea to show the same chronic back pain or pathetic history of migraine, that the same list of 20 drugs can not take them because they throw "allergic" (= not preserved, cry above), and, bearing and until you are higherPoland as a satellite.

07:01 Clock

'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ... I need a doctor NOW YOU Mutha ..."..... Click .................." Mr. Baldinger ..... ... Hello Sir, this is Mike, a sister here at Our Lady of Perpetual Hospital Pestilence. The I apologize for the wait and I want to assure you that one of our purposes (Day) nurses meet with you to your current needs. And please do not worry about any red cards, you need this time or pay. We Are BlueTickets now much softer and what color ........... CLICK ........ GET ME Mutha FF right now ...... Click. Friend "to be right, and no jumper Mr. Baldinger, click here for YOU !!!....... hospital OL pee

07:02 Clock

The crew informed the day when Mr. Baldinger attempts in the waiting room, the battery from the woman Hover Martinez-round steal.

They all run through the double doors and I double the time the back door. As security rushes past, probably because of the smallRuckus to start in the waiting room, I informed a deep, long sigh, mentally picture of Mr. Baldinger as a pig in a stretcher and all for the fun of a waiting room full of worldwide linked Misfits. Drug addicts, psychotics, neurotics, which do not comply are looking for drugs, actors, beggars, the lonely, the homeless and truly represent all that unnecessary. There are emergent patients out there. They are in the back with us. The get really sick and appreciate ourCare, handling, perhaps to allow the last moments of their lives a humble and friendly as his sorrow and regret. Understanding the break, when the world is not worse enough attention. I often point out that reminds me why I and many other beautiful nurses, DR and personal service to those who simply should not be set here. Should not be allowed, unless a true medical "emergency" exists and devour literally hundreds of billions of dollars in taxNot paying money for a year! "I remember that I make a difference in the life of a man last night. I have a smile and a laugh. And I still can comfort the sick and dying, and always from the heart. They know that. But I also know that this kind work can clear the mind and fills it with fear, hatred and indifference (see above).

07:07 Clock

When San Antonio best be burning in front of me and lying on the brakes suddenly at ER, the image that I once brieflyDrama takes place inside. Driving away I smiled in my truck and began singing Oompa Loompa .........." Loopity Loo ... I have a special ...

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