Thursday 9 September 2010

3 simple steps to avoid liquid calories in Drowning

For those who do the counting, measuring, weighing, fussing and fretting most of us Americans frantic animal weight, so calories allow us to slip our throats often insidious liquid calories. Almost a quarter of the calories Americans consume comes from beverages. Shocking drinks and other sweet drinks are the largest contributor to the low-calorie diet, American and American life balloons.

By simply drink a better choice, it can promote health and warehouseLevels - forever!

Here are three simple steps to cut empty liquid calories - starting as soon as the next SIP smart.

First ask yourself: "What shall I drink now?"

For seven consecutive days, write down every drink consumed, many to count ounces (approximately), and calories. Look at the label or check online, if necessary. At the end of the week, calculate the total amount of liquid calories. This requires effort, but it is an open and eyesHumanities Popper!

For example, a Starbucks Caffe Latte, skim milk, Grande (16 oz) has 160 calories (whole milk, 270 calories). A bar on the day in line to 1120 calories per week. Horror! This is almost an entire day more calories found in one week (eight days more calories in just seven days) - just drink from that! Now, be careful what you drink.

Check out these calories and cash to be astonished:

Coffee, Creamer with a liquid (8 ounces) - 30Calories

Starbucks Coffee Frappuccino, Twenty - 300 calories

Starbucks cappuccino, skim milk, Grande (16 oz) - 110

Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha, whole milk, whipped cream (20 ounces) - 600

Beer, regular (12 oz) - 150

Beer, light (12 ounces) - 100

Wine, red (8 ounces) - 170

Wine, white (8 oz) - 160

Martini (2.5 ounces) - 106

Margarita (from mix) - 290

McDonald's Chocolate Shake, large (32 oz) - 1030

McDonald'sCoca-Cola Classic, Large (32 oz) - 310

Burger King Vanilla Shake, medium (14 oz), - 430

Ginger Ale (20 oz) - 200

7-Up, Coca-Cola, root beer (20 ounces) - 250

Milk, nonfat (8 oz) - 90

Milk, 1% low-fat (8 ounces) - 100

Whole milk (8 ounces) - 180

Apple or orange juice (8 ounces) - 110

Grape juice (8 ounces) - 150

According Ask yourself: "I do not drink this feed, and degrading me."

When it comes to drinks, the total energy is a consideration, the totalNutrients are another. If you consume liquid calories, you are getting the most nutrition for your calorie buck? Look at each drink of choice and ask this question, this drink is feeding me with good nutrients, or me with a breakdown of sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners, artificial flavorings, preservatives, dyes, caffeine and / or alcohol? Again, read labels.

As zany as it is, the only drinks that are not reduced, water, herbal teas without caffeine, freshhomemade fruit juices and raw vegetables and unpasteurized, store-bought juices (a rare breed).

All other drinks degradation to some extent, even 100% fruit and vegetable trade. Surprised? Let some of your favorite degradation go.

The Caffeinated coffee and tea

Ouch - this can hurt a bit '! Coffee, tea and caffeine, the drink may seem ideal, especially if they are trying to lose weight. After all, has zero calories if you drink it blackand not add extra calories from sugar or chemical sweeteners, cream or milk. But almost compensate for the zero-calorie for the fact that they have exhausted the coffee - big-time. Regardless of his status as favorite, coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant dependence. This is one of the reasons why we drink it - that Buzz received. Even decaffeinated coffee contains caffeine, albeit in small quantities.

Coffee is also with depression, diarrhea, atherosclerosis (hardened arteries), arthritis associatedArthritis, urinary incontinence, reduced insulin sensitivity and loss of calcium from bones, osteoporosis. As a natural diuretic, revisions to the kidneys and bladder. If your organs work harder, sign up quickly. This is called aging!

That energy, caffeine can seem to give Quick Pick-me-up with his misleading heights artificially stimulated, but the highs are always followed by low bottom-out. These peaks and dips in the drain on natural resources for sustainable developmentEnergy, including the register of causes and fatigue.

Ï Soda

We can also take some of your household chemicals, add a little 'sugar and drink. However, some soft drinks like cola, you can remove the rust from a car engine. Most cans of 12 grams of pop (not to mention the oversized drinks 42 ounces) contains about ten teaspoons of sugar, an important part of the Thirty-three teaspoons of sugar the average American eats per day, amounting to more than ten pounds or twenty monthsPercent of calories daily. We try to get the weight, drink more! Both regular and diet soda are statistically linked to obesity, tooth decay, caffeine addiction, type 2 diabetes and weakened bones. Moreover, aspartame in diet sodas believed toxic to the body.

If this were not enough, drink more soda to increase the desire of other sweets, causes uncontrollable binge eating. And 'ultra-reduction, addictive, and loaded with chemicals, sugar and calories,Hinder weight loss. Why put something in your body at all, much less several times a day? Switch to mineral water, if you need to fizz. Anything but soda.

Protein Drinks Ï

Protein drinks are chemical mixtures containing added sugar, salt and calories. In addition, you overload of proteins, that if you eat the standard American fare, you are always much, if not too much food. Make a fresh fruit smoothie instead. The flavor is much betteroffers ample protein diet (yes, protein fruit, oranges contains 8% protein, says the WHO, we only need 4.5% protein), provides the energy (protein not provide energy, fruits and vegetables to do) and contains no added sugar, salt or other chemical additives.

It 'was drawn Juice commercial / Drinks / Beverages

If the store fruit and vegetable juices and drinks are purchased as raw and fresh to be traded, cooked and processed, the extermination of enzymes andmany vitamins. Basically, all you get is cooked, sugar, fruit concentrates, usually with additional chemicals and preservatives.

In addition, many fruit juices and drinks contain additional refined sugars, unless they explicitly say "no sugar". Believe it or not, even those who say "no sugar added" may be added some form of refined sugar. processed vegetables, has been done better. They are usually loaded with salt, sugar, chemicals and artificial flavors and questionableConservation.

Regardless of what to be processed juices and drinks were included, offer far too many calories and too few nutrients. Read the label before drinking. If a fruit juice drink with added sugar, salt, preservatives, dyes, or if it has been pasteurized, you consume and not bread, and adds calories to the calories, fat, fat.

The milk

Milk and dairy products associated with all kinds of problems, large and small drop, such as constipation, nasalColds, sinus headache, constipation, stomach problems, PMS, asthma, bronchitis, eczema, psoriasis, bed wetting, hormone-fueled cancers (breast cancer, prostate, lung, colon), atherosclerosis, heart disease and autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

Prevention of dairy emotional debate, look objectively the calories you consume a glass of milk. An 8 oz glass of "fat free" milk has 90 calories, 1% low-fat, 100 calories, whole milk, 180Calories. Three "fat free" glasses of milk a day 270 calories to your daily calorie intake. Only one glass a day of "fat free" milk is up to 630 calories in a week.

Bottom line question: are those extra calories worth to you? As always, is your body, your choice.

The alcohol

At this point in your life, you know that alcohol is good for two things - was always drunk and calories. Two glasses of red wine (340 calories), for example, contain moreCalories of a big salad filling-you-up, lunch together, choked full of nutrients. Cut alcohol is a simple way to reduce calories. Simple.

Third Ask yourself: "What is best drink choice?"

If coffee, soda, protein drinks, sports drinks and juice drinks and commercial exploitation of you, what's left to drink?

I Water

Of the dozens of different drinks marketed hours, water is the best in his work: moisturizer. It comes with zero calorieschemicals Zero, zero sugar, salt, and zero, all at a price of zero dollars. Drink liquids already in our body, we lose constantly through elimination, breathing and sweating.

Interestingly, neither water nor power exhausted. And 'neutral, but critical for a properly functioning body. The same goes for herbal teas that say "natural" caffeine-free list, only plants as ingredients and contain no artificial chemicals.

How much water?

Somewhere along the wayDrink eight glasses a day, a decree that we all believed. But the truth is that your water needs vary depending on the size, type of food you eat, the climate and your activity. Then there is the magic height.

For example, if you load in high-salt foods such as meat, cheese, processed foods, crisps and snacks, you will need more water if full of fresh vegetables and fruit drinks. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain about 70% water and a littleSodium, reduce the need for drinking water.

They were amazing with an instinct that you are fully hydrated when you hear retains talent. And 'as well known in our thirst for language. If you're thirsty, drink (water!). If your thirst is off, stop drinking. If you are thirsty, drink. There is not much easier.

Fresh fruit juices

Fruit juices, fresh whole, raw fruits and vegetables, drinks are another great choice. They not only hydrateperfect as water, but in addition to feeding the essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, enzymes and macro-nutrients. This thirst for liquids and deliver value for your calorie buck at the same time!

Yes, make your own fresh fruit juices with calories, but all of these calories is power, with excellent nutrition that is absorbed into your cells within fifteen minutes, put a defeat for the energy sector.

If you do not have the desire toThen go on the adventure of creating your broth, no. But attention to this slippery start calories that you do not eat to reduce your levels and add layers.

The theme of drinks is reduced to two small words: drinking water. The sides and your wallet will thank you. Now, we all go to drink this!

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